
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I have a question. 
What happens when 23 college-age missionaries ask for help from their incredible supporters back home?
I also have the answer to that question.
Stuff happens. 
We asked that anyone who could would consider donating whatever amount they thought was possible to help Tony fix his car or maybe get a new one. Tony received enough money to fix his old car,
and buy an $8,000 new car.

From And God used you to blow his mind and shower love down on him. To assure him that even though he is isolated in Honduras he is not alone there. And now Zion's Gate has two vehicles to travel and help people and get them where they need to go.Thank you. 


And we're back, and we're asking for help again.

Our squad leaders, David and Ashley, have now left us. They have appointed new squad leaders and went home. That's how AIM works, we get them for four months and then they raise up new leaders and now we miss them a lot. 

But we do not believe that this season in their lives is completely over yet. We desperately want their company and support at our debrief from Thailand. And they want to be there for us. They would be there for us without a doubt…

if debrief wasn't in South Africa. 

Here's the deal, our squad wants to get them to debrief. To get them there each one of us needs to raise a grand total of 

Was that amount smaller than you expected? Yeah, me too. Which is why this is completely and totally feasible. If you feel God calling you to help us out here's what you can do:
To donate to Ashley:
Click this link:

Thank you for praying about joining us to get these two wonderful people to the family reunion in three months. They mean so much to us. They've discipled us and laughed with us and cried with us for the last three months and we cannot imagine debriefing without them. They've done so much for us, we really want to do this for them. 

One more question: 
What happens when 23 people try to get their squad leaders to South Africa?
It happens. Because of you. 
Thank you!

