
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Change is one of the most difficult things we all face, but it is through change that God makes new dreams, plans, and opportunities. 
Our teams changed on the 16th, this was a tough day. 
Abby and Andrea were placed on another team. 
My new team "Team Dauntless" consists of 5 people Elliott (our team leader), Nikki, Ryan, and Kristen. While team change was extremely hard our new team is simply amazing. How fast you grow to love the people your surrounded with.

No more tents for now, we are living in an apartment in the heart of Bangkok, with beds, hot water, & air conditioning.  How much you miss the simple things in life when they aren't so available to you.

While we are in Bangkok, Thailand (which is amazing), we will be working with "The Dream Team" they are a Thai band. Let me tell you they are amazing.  We will be traveling to events with them.  We worship with them, we pray over them, we pray for the many people that attend their events. 
The Dream Team is bringing the light of God to so many. Let me tell you how amazing the Holy Spirit has been gracing me. 
While we were at a Dream Team event, there was a lady on her knees knelt before the Dream Team worship band.  I thought how amazing is that, she is really taking in the worship.  God pushed me to go over to her and comfort her and pray for her.  I was praying for her and as I looked up into her beautiful brown eyes I could see them swell up with tears before I knew it we were locked in a hug both crying.  I do have to say that one hug was life changing. I'm on the path that God has chosen for me. I love ministering, I love the smile I can put on someone's face, I love the tears of joy, I LOVE MY GOD! 
God is good! God is faithful! God answers prayers! God opens doors! 

16 responses to “Change of Plans”

  1. Keep loving your God. Faith is all we need, what your doing is great and I love reading all your blogs. Your a unique kid giving up your life to live a unknown life. People reading your blogs does not realize how hard the life of a missionary is, I do, I was on a mission 4 years ago. It’s exhausting but very much worth every minute of the exhaustion. You keep it up Jayda.

  2. When God puts love and compassion in your heart toward someone, He’s offering you an opportunity to make a difference in that person’s life. You must follow that love. Don’t ignore it. Act on it. Somebody needs what you have. God Bless You Jayda.

  3. Wow Jayda, you are truely an inspiration. I do believe God has put you where he needs you at this particular time in your life and in the lives of the people you are coming in contact with. I am so very, very proud of you. Keep up all your loving on people and your faithfulness to God. You are doing great things. God bless you.

  4. Jayda Macail,
    Im so excited for you and the journey the lord has laid out for you. It’s going to be incredible, super blessed that I get to support you along the way. I love you and am very proud of you!!!

  5. Jayda I am so proud of you, doing God’s work and doing it so well. What an extraordinary and full of love,and caring for another human being, ,BLOG. I can feel the love you are spreading, Yes! You are changing with GOD! You are Amazing, You are my; Granddaughter, Friend ,& HERO

  6. Hi Sweetie, you are an amazing young lady, and I know God CAN make miracles. WE’ve been to Bangkok…Very big adventure…you should be able to minister to many girls. Take care Jayda and we are thinking of you…Love you very much…Aunt Sandi…………..

  7. Hi Jayda – I have finially had a chance to sit down and read
    your blog what an eye opening journey you have been on. Thank you for your commitment and love for God and how He is using you – your compassion and kindness has truly moved me and for that I am so grateful. You and your team (family) are doing great work for God and you must know you are where you should be “for such a time as this” your in our prayers –
    Love you
    Valerie, John, Jace and Josh 🙂

  8. Jayda,

    Im so proud of you and everything your doing its so great! Just remember if you need anything or need some help or support just let the Bodda’s know!!

    -Kevin Bodda

  9. I am Mrs. Margaret Bennett, A widow to the Late Mr.Joshua Bennett, I am 65 yrs old, I am a Christian working as a missionary in Africa before I Was urgently transfer to my home country here in UK, I am suffering From long time illness of the breast, from all indication my condition is really Deteriorating and I am afraid that I won’t live more than 2Months, I want to divide the part of my husband wealth to contribute to the development of the church in Africa worth 5M GP to the less privileged through you

  10. You are a light from about Jayda. You have a gift of making people feel included, a very good gift. I saw it everyday and I still see it in your blogs. Your a great inspiration to so many people.