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Life's lessons can come from unexpected places….

One friday when I was sitting in the mall, blogging for all of you, my tent, that I live in was broken into.  I felt sad, mad, upset…many emotions were going through my head.  There were many items that were taken; my makeup (so if you see me in pictures without makeup, thats why), my favorite True Religion shorts, a Victoria Secret shirt, and sparkly belt.  I was so bummed out, why me.  Im here letting God use me, why would this happen?

Well my LIFE LESSONS from Honduras….

Hebrews 13:5 Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”

I will be fine without the material items that were taken from me.  I have GOD!

We are so spoiled with material items that we have lost what is really important to us. 

Do you have someone who Loves you?  This might seem like a cliche.  Do not take the people who love you lightly.  There are boys and girls here that don't know who their father is, they are living really hard lives.  They need someone to love them, there is no one, in many cases.  They have turned away from the Lord and follow a dark path of living life daily.  "God Loves You"!

Cherish things while you still have them, before they're gone and you realize how precious they are.  Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards.  Everything is temporary, so if things are going good, enjoy it because it won't last forever and if things are going bad, don't worry because it won't last forever either.  
Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.  A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.  Never cross a bridge without knowing how to swim the tides.  If you could not add years to your life add life to your years.  Don't sweat the small stuff!

Team Remnant/My Team

The name "Team Remnant" came to be after the remnant of Isreal, The Remnant was a small group of believers left in their generation and they did incredible things for God and his Kingdom.  We want to be the Remnant of out generation, the people who still believe in the God of the Bible who is the same today as he has always been.  We want to be used by him to do great things for the kingdom in the name of Jesus.
I Love each one of them, I consider them family.  I consider myself BLESSED!

Immersion Group all in Honduras


2 responses to “Life’s lessons can come from unexpected places”

  1. OMG Jayda, you are amazing young lady! Wow I am very impressed with you and how you are handeling things. I guess you could say somebody else needed the stuff more than you do…somebody that’s never had something so special…but still it’s too bad that you can’t trust people, and they don’t know better….You keep doing the wonderful job you are doing…I love you and pray for your safe and healthy return…kiss kiss…Aunt Sandi….

  2. Jayda, I Love You! I’m very proud of you, I can’t say it enough. SPARKLE AND SHINE! Your learning big lessons and its nice to see, material items aren’t so important. I Love You JJ!