
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

We made it to Honduras! Safe and sound, now we need to spread the "safe and sound"  around Honduras.

We are staying at Zion's Gate Minitries, Tony is an amazing person, at Zion's Gate Ministries he takes in boys that need a place to stay.  There is a little boy named Anderson, that I have bonded with, he is so cute.

I will helping teach children how to spell at a bilingual school "Loyalty School".  I am very excited for this.  

The LORD is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation. He is my God, and I will praise him, my father's God, and I will exalt him. -Exodus 15:2

Our lives are like the sack of winds in Greek Mythology that the crew of Ulysses opened.  These howling winds escaped and could not be put back.  Once we begin our journey we can never go back, we cannot return.  This is the essence of man and the bittersweet joy of our life.  Enjoy life and be honorable on your voyage, be courageous.  Be true to your own vision as you ride the wind to your destiny. -Vladimir Kush

Thank you again to everyone.  I will try to update my blog weekly, when we have wifi. I Love you all!